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Our Beliefs

"I see the task of architecture as the defence of the authenticity of human experience"

-Juhani Pallasmaa, Encounters

Architecture has a crucial role to play in preserving and enhancing the authentic experience by creating spaces that engage all of the senses and evoke a sense of connection to the natural world.


The modernist approach to architecture is very much focused on rationalism, efficiency, and technological progress. This approach has resulted in buildings that are too sterile and impersonal, lacking the richness and depth of experience that is essential to human well-being.


Instead,  our approach to architecture is rooted in a deep understanding of the human experience. We believe that architects should be attuned to the ways in which space, light, materiality, and other architectural elements shape our perceptions and emotions.


While designing buildings that are functional, efficient, and climatically relevant is important, creating a true piece of architecture goes beyond these basic requirements. The most memorable and impactful buildings are those that evoke an emotional response and leave a lasting impression on the people who experience them. A well-designed building can evoke a range of emotions. It can transport people to another time or place, or evoke memories and associations that are deeply personal and meaningful. When a building has this kind of emotional impact, it becomes more than just a functional structure; it becomes a work of art that enriches the lives of its users. People are drawn to such buildings that inspire them and make them feel something.

Our Design Process

The ideal design process for the practice places a strong emphasis on understanding the human experience of space and the ways in which architecture can shape and enhance that experience.


Learnings from
The Practice studio

Influence of office visits done during the studio on the ideology of the practice.

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